Saturday, August 23, 2008

Frankly my dear...

By far, one of the best known and most recognizable movie quotes is "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" from Gone With the Wind. I LOVE that movie so much it's rediculous, and can I just say something? What is with Ms Scarlett O'Hara!? How is it that she was so in love with Ashley, a guy that not only tugged her around for years and years, but is also, HELLO, nothing compared to Rhett Butler. Ashley was totally "Fem." If you watch the movie, there's a scene where Ashley is cutting fire wood at Tara after the war just ended, and the guy looks like he can barely lift the ax! Yet there's Scarlett, totally drooling over him. And ok, looks aren't everything, I'm not saying that the most important thing is that a guy be ripped and such, but he was such a punk! But I guess it's the girl complex... we always want the guy that doesn't want us. Oh well, but Rhett is one of the sexiest and most desirable fictional characters, second only to Mr. Darcy in my opinion. Well here's a piece inspired by that quote. It's called "frankly my dear..." I don't give a hoot! Sometimes you just feel like telling the world to get off ur back because you just don't care. Here's to all of you, be brave, don't give a hoot haha! I hope all of you enjoy the rhett-ference (haha thanks to a fellow Etsian for coming up with this pun :P) from this piece :)

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