Monday, October 27, 2008

Loreal, Dior, Lancom anyone?

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Originally uploaded by dotthei
Ok so i'm trying my hand at photography. So far it's not so bad, I think I'm doing quite well... This is a picture of my friend Liz, she has a face that photographs really well, so she's been a great subject for my photos. I took this picture in Balboa Park (San Diego, CA) in front of the Ruben H. Fleet Science Center (The best place EVER to go on a date, trust me. Take in an IMAX and then play at all of the little stations, will bring out the kid in you and your date. Wow okay I;m off topic!) Anyways I was showing my sister some of my work and she happened to like this one. She says it reminds her of an ad from a fashion magazine. Like for perfume... if you stare hard enough you can see a perfume bottle in the corner with a slogan.... What do you think??? I'd love to get some feedback. XOXO Ang!