Friday, September 19, 2008

Shop O' September!

For the month of September, I “sat down” with UxCritter, and had a conversation about her shop. The shop is run by a family, which is so nice to see on Etsy, that families are connecting in a creative way. UxCritter offers art, woodwork, blended oils and other wonderful accessories.

Dot the I: Hello UxCritter, thanks for taking the time to talk to me. To start, please describe your shop in 5 wor


UxCritter: canadian, family, arts & crafts, variety, practical

D: What do you create and how did you get started?

U: I personally like to create items that are functional and fun for all critters. Sarah likes to make a fashion statement, Jesse likes to work in more of an artist way. I got started by working with beads to make jewelry for myself during downtime at work.

D: It’s cool that you and your family have all found their own niche, and it works out because you have lots of variety in the shop. Where do you find your inspiration?

U: Daily I think of ideas of making items people can use and enjoy that are handmade. I'd rather see them have items made with a touch of love of each craft we work on built in, rather than the store bought manufactured items.

D: I agree, I love being able to connect with an artist by purchasing something handmade. What is your favorite item in your shop and why?

U: My new essential oils are my favorite right now. I just created a new blend, it’

s li

ke the one pictured here called BOOST. The new blend is for leveling mood swings and it smells divine!

D: What else can you tell me about your blended oils?

U: They definitely work and they smell fantastic. The oils are blends of essential 

oils that come together in a medley of aromas that heal, not only by breathing the scents, but through touch when massaged into the skin, and systemically as the oils themselves nourish, cleanse, tone, moisture, and cool or warm, depending on the specific oils that are used.

D: That does sound Devine! What makes you stand out on Etsy?

U:I believe our shop is a little bit different in that we offer quite a variety of items in very different mediums. It's quite often referre

d to as an eclectic mix. With 3 artists creating very different items, it's bound to be a little of this and a little of that. I think that is what makes us unique and interesting. 

D: When someone makes a purchase from you, how do you want them to feel?

U: I would hope that we make our customers feel very glad they purchased from UxCritter's Place. I am in contact right away after a purchase is made, to acknowledge and thank them for their order. I also want my customer to feel respected and appreciated, in that they are updated regularly on the status of their purchase. Both with a message of approximately when it will be sent and when it is actually on it's way to them.

D: It’s great to know that you offer such friendly customer service. I know I really appreciate hearing from sellers after I purchase an item. Any last words?

U: Thanks for this opportunity to share UxCritter's place with everyone in this way. I hope to remain with Etsy for a very long time as both UxCritter's Place and Etsy, continue to grow into a very postive thriving online environment.

D: Thank you, UxCritter. For taking time out of your shop to “sit down” with me and share a little bit about your shop on a personal level. Thank you.


Christie Cottage said...

What a lovely interview!

Thanks for sharing :-)

I found your blog on etsy. That's where you'll find me too.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for allowing me to relate all the wonders of having an Etsy shop online! This is a terrific way to blog and I look forward to more interviews on here. I have a bit of a giveaway happening on my blog right now for my new line of essential oils. If any wants to drop by and find out how to get a FREE trial size of one of my blends, that would be super. See you there!
~ Ux

missknits said...

what an awesome interview! i love critter's shop! thanks for sharing this!